Maynooth Community College
Coláiste Pobail Mhá Nuad

About An Cuan

Maynooth Community College has three AEN classes. Both of these classes are located in an area of the school called An Cuan. An Cuan is a spacious and welcoming area of Maynooth Community College.

In An Cuan there are facilities including a kitchenette, outdoor area, sensory room, OT room, a social area and classrooms. A main advantage of AEN classes is that students benefit from a lower student-teacher ratio. Also, both classes students have access to SNAs throughout the day as required. Students can work at a pace that suits them to fulfil their IEPs (individual education plans). Both classes aim to integrate the students into mainstream classes as much as possible. Students have their own base room in An Cuan. However, when appropriate to the student’s learning they attend mainstream classes. This could be with and without SNA support depending on the individual student.

An Cuan is also an area where students with AEN get academic support as well as gain social skills, life skills and communication skills. Some students in An Cuan do the Level 1 Learning Programme (L1LPs) and Level 2 Learning Programme (L2LPs).

Through these programmes students learn and develop life skills. In An Cuan trips and outings are an important in allowing students to gain confidence in dealing with day-to-day tasks. Staff at Maynooth Community College believe in up-skilling regularly. MCC staff place a big emphasis on CPD around teaching students with AEN. As a school, our aim is to provide each learner with a rich and meaningful education.

An Crann September 2023

Welcome to the new ASD class, An Crann, 2023!

We're excited to have you all here.

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Jan 23
5th year Parent Teacher Meeting
Jan 28
3rd & 6th year Mock Exams
Feb 04
3rd & 6th year Mock Exams
Feb 10
3rd & 6th year Mock Exams
Mariavilla, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, W23 P2R0, Ireland
01 601 6041
Kildare & Wicklow Educational Training Board
© 2025 Maynooth Community College