Parent SSE & SI Report MCC 2017-2018
Parent SSE & SI Report MCC 2018-2019
SSE Survey Results 2018-2019
School Self Evaluation (SSE)/ School Improvement (SIP)
The Education Campus is involved in the School Self Evaluation 2023-2026 Cycle. School self-evaluation is a collaborative, inclusive, and reflective process of internal school review. An evidence-based approach, it involves gathering information from a range of sources, and then making judgements. All of this is done with a view to bring about improvements in students’ learning. Below is the Six-Step Process for School Self-Evaluation.
As part of this process the Campus completed a few stages in the cycle by gathering evidence during surveys undertaken last year of students, parents and teachers. The campus analysed all of the surveys and identified differentiation and active learning methodologies as key areas of focus to bring about school improvement. The school improvement plan is published each year. As part of the SSE process Literacy, Numeracy and Teaching and Learning are specific areas of focus.
SSE school website
SSE is a 6 step process used by our school to achieve the goals and targets set out for the year.
Evidence is gathered through surveys with parents, students and teachers. Focus groups may also be carried out with the three cohorts to gather evidence.
Targets are set for the year. In 2023 we have entered into a new 3 year SSE cycle with the following areas and targets being focused on:
- The SSE literacy target for the 2023 new cycle is to build the language of reflection and reflective writing skills to enable learners to reflect on their learning, through integrating accountable talk to allow for richer and deeper conversations around differing feedback types.
- The Numeracy target for the 2023 cycle is to improve student’s vocabulary and keywords relating to graphing and interpreting trends in graphs.
- The teaching and learning target for the 2023 cycle is to increase the use of written formative feedback by peer, students and teacher. Promote collaboration amongst teachers through termly teachmeets.
- National wellbeing goals for 2023 cycle is to Increase the student voice in the classroom. To Increase an awareness of the inclusion and diversity committee. To increase the number of students involved in student leadership teams (SLT)
- Digital strategy target for 2023 cycle is to improve the students research skills and ability to reference sources – particular focus during CBA time in each subject and senior cycle projects.To improve student basic ICT skills set of students and to promote standardised practice and to foster digital literacy.
- Sustainable development for education target for 2023 cycle is to improve Maynooth community college sustainability and engagement in the local community and to increase biodiversity on the school grounds.
We continue to build on our targets from the past few years of our SSE plans. Some results collected from 2022-23 SSE targets:
- Literacy
- Parents surveys: There has been a slight increase in parents recommending more than 1 book or article to students in our school community.
- Teacher surveys: There has been an increase in teacher recommending at least 1 book or article in their subject areas to students which is an improvement.
- Students surveys: There is a very mixed response with students answering on the Q. of asking for clarification on vocabulary to their teachers in class.
- Numeracy
- Parents surveys: 61% increase in parents who rate their child's numeracy skills as excellent. 8% increase in parents who rate their child’s numeracy skills as good. 39% decrease in parents who rated their child's numeracy skills as unsatisfactory. 87% decrease in parents who were unable to rate their child’s numeracy skills
- Teacher surveys: 36% increase in teachers who rate their student's numeracy skills as excellent, 12% increase in teachers who rate their student’s numeracy skills as good, 32% decrease in teachers who rate their student’s numeracy skills as unsatisfactory
- Students surveys: 49% decrease in the number of students who rated their graphing skills as unsatisfactory from Oct to May, 21% increase in the number of students who rated their graphing skills as good from Oct to May
- Wellbeing
- Parents surveys: 72-89% – 17% increase
- Teacher surveys: increase from 40-60% - 20% increase
- Students surveys: 83-88% – 5% increase
Overall wellbeing reflection: Students, teachers, and parents have all improved in their knowledge of the different religious celebrations throughout the year. The biggest increase was amongst teachers. Students had a high knowledge and only increased a little. Parents increased by 17%, but already were quite high.
During the year we promote our targets through organised weeks such as literacy week, wellbeing, teaching and learning, numeracy week etc.
Some activities organised during Literacy Week 2022-2023
The literacy programme in the school culminates in Literacy Week, usually held in March or April to link with World Book Day. Several initiatives are run throughout that week, including visiting speakers such as author Dave Rudden, Woordle in tutor time, Drop Everything and Read time, a Spelling Bee event for sixth years, slam poetry, and whole school writing competitions. Learners are encouraged to take part in poster competitions promoting literacy throughout the school. DEAR time is regularly held in Junior Cycle in conjunction with independent reading projects.
Library and author visits and theatre trips are organised at different stages of the year and all years are included in a variety of these e.g. 6th years will view 'Hamlet' live in October & TYs will attend the West End production 'The Life of Pi' in February 2024 in the Bord Gais Theatre. Last year Creative Schools enabled the English Dept to invite Leaving Certificate English poet Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin to speak to Senior English classes and NUIM English Dept. will visit 6th English classes in November 2023 to speak about third-level opportunities in regard to literacy and English.
Summer reading recommendations and book shelfies in various classrooms & the staffroom encourage both students and teachers and all are encouraged to participate in borrowing & swapping books.
Numeracy encompasses the ability to use mathematical understanding and skills to solve problems and meet the demands of day-to-day living in complex social settings. Students are constantly enhancing their numeracy skills in all classes. Several activities take place throughout the year which encourages students to use their numerical ability. Numeracy week will run from 16th to 20th of October this year. During last year’s numeracy week students and staff took part in a range of activities including:
- 1st year quiz
- Scavenger hunt
- Puzzle competition
- Junior cycle poster competition
- Maths Olympiad 1st round
- Prime and composite numbers activity with 2nd year classes.
In addition to Numeracy week, we promote numeracy in all subjects by asking students to calculate their percentage in class assessments.
Students are also encouraged to enter a range of Mathematics competitions such as:
- IMTA Maths competitions
- IRMO Maths Olympiad, and
- Applied Mathematics Competitions.
Our school promotes literacy throughout the entire school year across all subjects. It is not specific to English alone as new language skills are needed in every subject taken. All teachers encourage students to expand their subject-specific vocabulary by reinforcing keywords students will come across in T&L. The previous SSE cycle targeted increasing students' wider reading. Staff and students were encouraged to promote 3 articles, books, or texts in their subject area across a term. The SSE literacy target for the 2023 new cycle is to build the language of reflection and reflective writing skills to enable learners to reflect on their learning.
The literacy programme in the school culminates in Literacy Week, usually held in March or April to link with World Book Day. Several initiatives are run throughout that week, including visiting speakers such as author Dave Rudden, Woordle in tutor time, Drop Everything and Read time, a Spelling Bee event for sixth years, slam poetry, and whole school writing competitions. Learners are encouraged to take part in poster competitions promoting literacy throughout the school. DEAR time is regularly held in Junior Cycle in conjunction with independent reading projects.
Library and author visits and theatre trips are organised at different stages of the year and all years are included in a variety of these e.g. 6th years will view 'Hamlet' live in October & TYs will attend the West End production 'The Life of Pi' in February 2024 in the Bord Gais Theatre. Last year Creative Schools enabled the English Dept to invite Leaving Certificate English poet Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin to speak to Senior English classes and NUIM English Dept. will visit 6th English classes in November 2023 to speak about third-level opportunities in regard to literacy and English.
Summer reading recommendations and book shelfies in various classrooms & the staffroom encourage both students and teachers and all are encouraged to participate in borrowing & swapping books.
Author Dave Rudden's visit for Literacy Week 2023 The MCC Literacy Week Programme 2023