Last Friday the Infinity Group surveyed the 1st year students after our bake sale. The findings show that the majority of students understand autism better than did prior to watching our video and attending our event. This awareness will help make our school are more autism friendly environment and we hope to do events like this for all year groups.
Infinity Group survey findings - 1st Year Event
96% of 1st year students said they learned something new about autism.
88% of 1st year students said they can explain confidently what autism is now.
98% of 1st year students said they will be more aware of how noise, lights, smells etc. might impact autistic people.
‘Small things can impact people with autism’.
‘Autistic people might not like loud music’.
‘Autistic people might be sensitive to smells, loud noises etc.’.
‘Autistic people can get overwhelmed by certain things’.
‘Autistic people can have eating issues’.
‘Some people prefer lower dimmed lights’.
‘More research is done on men with autism’.
‘Pre-packaged food helps people with autism sometimes’.
‘Some people don’t like certain textures’.
‘No two people are the same’.
‘Autistic people don’t like crowds very much’.
‘More boys are diagnosed than girls’.
‘Not all autistic people find the same things triggering’.
‘Stimming helps autistic people cope’.
‘Girls are more likely to mask’.
‘Autistic people might see the world in a different way and that’s not a bad thing’.
‘It helped me learn I mask (I’m autistic)’.
‘Autism is more common than I thought’.
‘We shouldn’t judge people who are autistic’.
‘Some autistic people use fidgets to help them’.
‘Be kind to everyone’.
‘Small things can impact autistic people in big ways’.
‘It impacts people in ways I didn’t know about’.
‘You don’t always know who is autistic’.